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Stock Arad

Submitted by Stela Arad; Interviewed by Dr. Zvika Reiter
Stela was born in Katowice. At the beginning of the war, when Stela was still very young, the family moved to Drohobycz, where her father’s family lived.
Stela and her sister Shulamit with 39 other persons were hidden during the war and cared for by Izydor and Jarosława Wołosiański (later recognized as “Righteous Among the Nations”). Their parents Zeev-Mendel z”l and Genia-Tova z”l joined their daughters in hiding.
After the war the family moved to Wrocław in Poland. From there they travelled to Germany and joined other refugees aboard the ship “Exodus - Flight from Europe”. Upon arrival in Israel the ship was boarded by the British and sent back to Germany. After a year in Germany, the passengers were finally allowed into Israel in 1948. At the beginning they lived in a ma’abara (a temporary refugees’ housing) and later on in an abandoned house in Haifa.
Stela married Shlomo Ernest-Arad z”l and they have two daughters.
Please read Wolf Stock life story in Yad Vashem
Please read Tova Stock life story in Yad Vashem (In Polish):
Part One