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Submitted by Sara Rubin-Weitz, US

Dora Weitz Born Rand Zilberschmit.
My mother Dora Weitz was born in 1901 in Boryslaw, to Yaacov Zilberschmidt
born in Wikie Oczi and to Regin Rand Born in Isay or Turka.
Dora my mother told me that her mother did not work but loved to read. Her
father was a veteran of World war I Upon returning from the war he had a hard
time finding a stable source of income.
Dora had a sister: Sara that was shot on the street during the war. Brother:
Solomon was a tailor, survived the war in Russia and after the war settled in a
town close to Kyiv.
Dora studied bookkeeping and taught children privately.
In 1939 Dora married Nathan Schwartz Mintzer.
Nathan perished in Mauthausen.
Dora Survived the war hiding in Boryslaw -details not known. When the Russian
entered Boryslaw at the end of the war, she was able to get a job issuing ID cards
to the returning citizens to Boryslaw. That is how she met my father, Mordechai
Weitz. They moved to DP camp in Bensheim Germany, their daughterSara, was
born and named Sara after my mothers’ sister. Dora and Mordechai were
members of Ha Shomer Ha-Tzair and with the help of Mordechai’s brother they
received certificates and immigrated to Israel in 1947. First, they lived in Kibbutz
Merhavia and after a few moves ended in Kiryat Motzkin. Mordechai died in
1973. In 1979 her daughter moved to USA she moved with her. She lived with
her daughter and the daughter’s family, studies English volunteered in a Jewish
home, and passed away in 1998.